industryGenome™️ Reports

Market Size

Bottom-up calculations of market size (total revenue) by leaf node (line of business), micro-industry, or market segment

Line-of-Business Revenue

Company total revenue is stratified across leaf node (line-of-business) capabilities for precision revenue estimates

Geographic Revenue

Company revenue stratified geographically by supply (where produced) and demand (customer location)

Market Share

Company revenue and market share ranking from top-to-bottom for leaf nodes (line of business), industries, and segments

Competitor Gap Analysis

Side-by-side comparisons of company capabilities and revenue by line-of business (leaf nodes) and geography

Valuation Predictions

Company valuation multiples are estimated based on line-of-business (leaf nodes) to predict Enterprise Value

The Industry Capabilities Classification StandardTM (ICCSTM)

ICCSTM is an industry and capabilities analysis framework that helps investors, market participants, and procurement understand key line-of-business activities for both public and private companies around the world. Our unique approach allows us to build “bottom-up” market insights with unparalleled precision and data fidelity.

We're mapping the health science industries in precision detail.

see our mapping calendar to know when your industry node will be mapped

Indsustry Nodes
Profiled Companies
Market Map Report
Unparalleled Insights